
Code blocks used in this tutorial:


In programming, we use variables to keep track of numbers and states. You can think of variables like boxes with labels.

Variables are like boxes with labels.
Variables are like boxes with labels.


For this tutorial, we are going to use the expansion pack, the LED module and 3 cables.

Let’s do the following steps:

  1. Grab 1 cable and connect the S pin of the LED module to the S0 pin of the expansion pack. Make sure that the cable is connected to the S0 position.
  2. Next, grab another cable and connect the + pin of the LED module to the V1 pin of the expansion pack. This can be connected on any pin as long as it is a red pin of V1.
  3. Finally, grab the last cable and connect the - pin of the LED module to the G pin of the expansion pack. This can be connected on any pin as long as it is a black pin of G.

You should have something like the picture below:

LED connection
LED connection


Start a New Project and let’s call it “Conditionals”.

We are going to make a lantern that changes brightness when we press a button. We will turn on, turn off, and control the brightness with only 1 button!

Let’s use what we know from Analog Out and create a program that writes 1023 to P0:

`analog write pin` Code Block
analog write pin Code Block

Next, we will change the brightness to 0 when we press button A:

`button A` Code Block
button A Code Block

Let’s try the simulation… hmmm… it is not working???

It doesn't work!?
It doesn’t work!?

Why is it not working? When we press button A, we change the value of P0 to 0 for a split second. However, the code in the forever block gets activated as soon as we pressed the button, which returns the value of P0 to 1023.

This is where variables come to the rescue!

We are going to save the value of brightness into a variable, so it doesn’t change suddenly.

Let’s create a variable called brightness. We are going to click on Make a Variable... from the Variables blocks.

`variable` Code Block
variable Code Block
The `new variable` will be called `brightness`.
The new variable will be called brightness.

You will see three new blocks. With the top most block, you can read the value of the variable. The middle one is to set the value of the variable to a specific number. The third one is to change the value by a certain amount.

New variable blocks created!
New variable blocks created!

Let’s grab our new blocks and place them in our code. First, when we press button A, we are going to set brightness to 0.

Set the `brightness` to `0`.
Set the brightness to 0.

Then, we need to read the value of brightness in our forever block, so we know which brightness to use.

Read the value of `brightness`.
Read the value of brightness.
If we try the simulation now, you will see that the value of P0 will be always 0! We need to set the initial value of the variable!

Finally, we will set the initial value of brightness to 1023. We do this by using the block on start.

Set the value of `brightness` to `1023`.
Set the value of brightness to 1023.

We now have something like this:

Variables FTW!
Variables FTW!
It works!
It works!

Changing the brightness

Our program only works once. This is no good. How can we make it toggle the LED?

Here, we need to use conditionals. We are going to use the if <true▼> then (+) code block from Logic blocks.

`if` Code Block
if Code Block

We are going to set the brightness to 0 if its value is 1023, otherwise, we set it to 1023.

To do that, drag and drop the code block inside on button [A▼] pressed, and move the set block inside this conditional:

First outcome
First outcome

Then, click on the (+) button and let’s add a second set:

Second outcome
Second outcome

Finally, we are going to add the condition using the comparison code block from Logic blocks.

Comparison Code Blocks
Comparison Code Blocks

Drag and drop the first one <(0) [=▼] (0)> inside the <true▼> slot of the conditional:


Now, we just compare if brightness is equal to 1023:

Brightness condition
Brightness condition
Working Toggle!
Working Toggle!

Are you up for a challenge?


Try to make a program that turns on the LED when you press button A, turns off the LED when pressing the same button and can cycle through different brightness with the same button.

Once you finish, you can check your solution with the answer here.
